Strengthening of Machinery for Redresaal of Public Grievances (CPGRAMS)
Human Resources Management System (HRMS) and uploading employee data of all Boards and Corporations- thereof
Regarding downloading and using the Aarogya Setu mobile application by all State Employees to fight against COVID-19.
Writing of Annual Confidential Reports of Officers/officials of Haryana State.
Ban on use of plastic bottles in Government offices
Validity of qualification i.e. Diploma /Degree (Civil) issued by institution of Civil Engineering Ludhiana Punjab
Order For Litigation Management System.
Order For Chief Anti-Corruption officers & Anti-Corruption officers.
Clarence about Character and antecedents of persons enagged under Outsourcing Policy Part-I and Part-II
Order-Litigation Management System(LMS)
Order-Blacklisted M/S Prince Construction & M/s PVM Projects
The Sexual Harassement of Women at Workplace
Regarding celebration of Sushan Sankalap Warsh 2020.
Re-Appointment of Chief Anti Corruption Officer & Anti-Corruption Officer