Right To Information(RTI)
- Organization, functions and duties [Annexure A]
- Powers and duties of officers/employees [Annexure B]
- Supervision and Accountability – Procedure thereof
- Norms for the discharge of its functions.
- Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manuals, Records etc..
- Category of documents held/under control
- Formulation of policy or administration thereof in relation to the members of the public
- Statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies for its advise
- Directory of officers and employees [Annexure C]
- Monthly remuneration received by each of officers/employees [Annexure D]
- Budget & Expenditure
- Manner of execution of subsidy programmes
- Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorisations
- Details of information available
- Facilities available to citizens for obtaining information [Annexure E]
- Facilities available to citizens
- Names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officers. Form C [Annexure F]
- Other information