

Sr. No Name of work Month of completion
1 Construction of Open Air GYM in Police Training College Sunaria Distt. Rohtak Oct-23
2 Installation of Submersible Pump in Lines Area of 3rd IRB, PTC Sunaria, Rohtak Oct-23
3 Installation of Submersible Pump in Lines Area of 3rd IRB, PTC Sunaria, Rohtak. Oct-23
4 Annual maintenance of Non-residential building in distt. Rohtak Nov-23
Sr No Name of work Date of start  Likely date of completion
1 Construction of 2 Barracks in distt. Jail Rohtak 21-Jun-22 17-Dec-23
2 Construction of High Security Jail in distt. Rohtak 21-Jul-22 20-Jul-24
3 Up-gradation of 30 bedded Hospital to 60 bedded Hospital in Distt. Jail Rohtak 28-Aug-22 25-Dec-23
4 Annual Maintenance /Repair of Residential building in Police Lines and PTC Sunaria, Rohtak 30-Jun-23 29-Jun-24
5 Special Repair of Multi-Purpose Hall in PTC Sunaria, Rohtak 20-Jul-23 15-Dec-23
Sr. No. Description of Work
1 Annual Maintenance of Residential Buildings in Police Lines at PTC Sunaria District Rohtak for the year 2022-23.
2 Construction of High Security Jail at Sunaria
3 Extention of DAV police public school in PTC Sunaria, Rohtak
4 Providing Fire Fighting System in DAV Police Public School at PTC Sunaria Distt. Rohtak.