Complete Project
Ongoing Project
Proposed Projects
Sr. No | Name of work | Month of completion |
1 | Special Repair of Vachher Stadium in HPA, Madhuban, Distt. Karnal. | Jan-23 |
2 | Construction of one barrack for trainees in HAP, Madhuban, Distt. Karnal. | May-23 |
3 | Special repair of various buildings in Distt. Jail, Karnal. | May-23 |
4 | Construction of 2 ORs and 2 NGOs Hostel in HPA, Madhuban, Distt. Karnal. | Oct-23 |
Sr No | Name of work | Date of start | Likely date of completion |
1 | Compre-hensive Maintenance Contract for internal and Estate Public Health Services in HPA,Madhuban | 20-Dec-22 | 19-Dec-23 |
2 | Construction of Jail Academy at Karnal (Ph-I) | 3-Mar-22 | 6-Jul-24 |
3 | Construction of Jail Academy at Karnal (Ph-II) | 24-Jun-23 | 20-Mar-25 |
4 | Construction of New Class Rooms, Multipurpose Indoor Hall and Canteen in Govt. College for Women, Karnal | 28-Sep-23 | 27-Sep-24 |
5 | C/o 96 Type-II (Stilt+6), 12 Type-III (Cluster type) and 12 Type-IV (Cluster type) houses in PL, Karnal | 18-Nov-23 | 17-Nov-25 |
Sr. No. | Description of Work |
1 | Repair and Renovation of various divisions of FSL, Madhuban Distt Karnal |
2 | Special Repair of Govt. Family Quarters (168 Nos.) in Police Lines, Sonepat. |
3 | Pdg. Essential Services in Police Lines/ Police Complex under HPHC Circle office Madhuban. |
4 | Construction of Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College (Phase-II) Project |
5 | Special Repair of Commando Complex at Newal, District Karnal (Electric work). |
6 | Construction of Preprimary Block for DAV Police Public School in Police Lines, Karnal. |
7 | Up-gradation of Estate Electrical Services in Senior Officer’s Mess and Old GOs Mess in HPA Madhuban Distt. Karnal. |
8 | Annual Maintenance of various works in 2022-23 in Madhuban Division. |