Complete Project
Ongoing Project
Proposed Projects
Sr. No | Name of work | Month of completion |
1 | Annual Maintenance of Non-residential building in Police Lines, Jind. | Nov-23 |
Sr No | Name of work | Date of start | Likely date of completion |
1 | Construction of 42 Type-II, 36 Type-III and 6 Type-IV (Row Houses Tripple Storey) Houses in Police Lines, Jind |
25-Aug-23 | 21-May-25 |
2 | Annual Maintenance/ Repair of Residential Buildings in Police Lines, Jind | 9-Nov-23 | 8-Nov-24 |
3 | Annual Maintenance of various Police Station Buildings in District Jind | 7-Nov-23 | 6-Nov-24 |
4 | Annual Maintenance of Residential Buildings in various Police Stations at District Jind | 7-Nov-23 | 6-Nov-24 |
Sr. No. | Description of Work |
1 | Annual Maintenance/Repair of Residential Buildings in Police Lines, Jind. |
2 | Annual Maintenance/Repair of various Police station Buildings in Distt. Jind. (Year 2022-23) |
3 | Annual Maintenance/Repair of Residential Buildings in various Police stations at Distt. Jind. (Year 2022-23) |
4 | Nursing College Saffidon, Jind |