

Sr. No Name of work Month of completion
1 Construction of 192 T-II houses at R.T.C Bhondsi (Group-A). Jan-23
2 Construction of 192 T-II houses at R.T.C Bhondsi (Group-B). Jan-23
3 Construction of 192 T-II houses at R.T.C Bhondsi (Group-C). Jan-23
4 Construction of State Crime Office at Bhondsi Gurugram. Jan-23
5 Renovation of up-gradation work in Govt. College in Sector-14, Gurugram. Jan-23
6 Annual maintenance for Estate Services Sewerage and water supply in Police Line Gurugram. May-23
7 Annual Maintenance for Estate Services, Sewerage and water supply in Police Lines, ManesarDistt. Gurugram. Jul-23
8 Construction of additional room with toilet at ADGP residence in Police Lines Gurugram Jul-23
9 Construction of One TrippleStorey Barrack at RTC BhondsiDistt. Gururgam. Nov-23
10 Annual maintenance of various residential buildings in Police Lines, Gurugram. Nov-23
11 Special repair of officers residence Khoti No 04 Bhondsi Police Complex Distt. Gurugram. Nov-23
12 Special repair of ACP residence Khoti No 06 at RTC Bhondsi Police Complex Distt. Gurugram. Nov-23
13 Providing and Fixing 1st quality ceramic glazed wall tiles in Hostel mess and interlocking paver Block/tiles in road area (Hostel to staff quarters T-I and II) at HIPA complex at Sector-18 Gurugram. Nov-23
Sr No Name of work Date of start  Likely date of completion
1 Construction of Multi-storey Residential Flats for HIPA Sec-45 Gurugram. 3-May-21 30-Jan-24
2 Repair of various non residential building in Distt. Jail Bhondsi Distt. Gurugram ( 19 General barracks, 6 special security cells, administrative  block, 5 female barracks, 2 kitchen blocks, recreation room, library, factory shed, hosptial and watch towers) 20-Jun-22 1-Dec-23
3 Construction of 144 T-III and 24 T-iv Houses at RTC Bhondsi Distt. Gurugram 5-Nov-22 5-Nov-24
4 Annual maintance of various Non-residential buildings and residential building in Police Lines, Manesar 4-Dec-22 3-Dec-23
5 Constuction of control room at Distt Jail Gurugram. 27-Jun-23 17-Apr-24
6 Construction of Police Line gate development of parking, sewerage line etc at Gurugram. 21-Sep-23 18-Jan-24
7 Annual Maintance of Non residential building of barracks and admin Block in Police Lines (Traffic Tower) Gurugram 19-Sep-23 18-Sep-24
8 Annual Maintance of various non-residential buildings and residential building inRTC Bhondsi Distt. Gurugram 21-Sep-23 20-Sep-24
9 Annual Maintance of Non residential building Traffic Tower and C.P office at Gurugram. 19-Sep-23 18-Sep-24
Sr. No. Description of Work
1 Construction of Special Task Force (STF) Building in RTC Bhondsi, Distt. Gurugram.
2 Constructino of Police Station Building Sector-17, Gurugram.
3 Construction of additional rooms with toilets at ADGP Residence in Police Lines, Gurugram.
4 Pdg. Essential Services in Police Lines/ Police Complex under HPHC Circle office Gurugram.
5 Annual Maintenance of Residential & Non-Residential Buildings in RTC Bhondsi for the year 2022-23
6 Special Repair (Renovation) of DGP Residence in RTC Bhondsi, Distt. Gurugram
7 Annual Maintenance of  19 Police Stations in Gurugram
8 Revised Rough Cost Estimate for repairing of Recruit barracks (4nos) A,B,C,D in RTC Bhondsi Distt. Gurugram.